Saturday, August 2, 2014

The miracle of oxygen in prehistoric ages

The miracle of oxygen?

So how and why this abundance of life, then nothing complex for 1.5 billion years? For researchers, the key to the mystery may lie in the concentration of atmospheric oxygen. Because complex organizations biota Gabonese appeared a few hundred million years after a major glaciation followed by a rise in the level of oxygen in the atmosphere. According to
665 million years - a very similar to that which preceded the appearance of the now second oldest fossils of complex organisms, found in Australia (Ediacaran) and dated approximately scenario.

"The lessivation continents oxidizing atmosphere releasing large amounts of nutrients," said El Albani. The disturbing coincidence should revive the scientific debate on the impact of oxygen on living organisms. Especially if there is no trace of complex organism between the two periods, this also corresponds to a sudden drop in oxygen concentration to - 2 billion years. This should give food for thought to exobiologistes seeking to better understand the origin of life on Earth to find life elsewhere in the universe . As in the famous clay from the base of Mount Sharp where Curiosity hopes to find valuable molecules organic ..

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