Monday, July 28, 2014

How many boats are fishing in deep water?

Scraping money is also a major damage to the marine environment. The 3,000 species of corals and sponges deep are threatened by the passage of the trawl. According to Philippe Cury, a study in Tasmania has calculated that each trawl haul was resurface 1.6 tons of coral.

How many boats are fishing in deep water?
The most diverse figures circulating. Also the European Commission does set some rules. Since 2002, vessels targeting mainly those species are recorded. Their effort is satellite tracking and controlled by inspectors on board. But other ships occasionally practice this fishery or make-catches. Also, the EU has defined thresholds. Catch of 100 kilos of these species or 10% of the total catch for each trip Thus, for EU vessels 37579, 4456 take of these species, but in 1245 only use trawls funds and 935 are over 100 pounds per trip. France and Spain have nearly 400 ships each. In France, 37 trawlers are recorded as primarily targeting deepwater species.

Proposed by the European Commission?
The proposal from the European Commission  is rather close to those of NGOs. It imposes ban on deep trawls and gillnets in the two years following the adoption of Regulation or 2016. The conversion aid are offered to shipowners. They are especially encouraged to adopt longline (long lines to hooks) supposed to be less damaging to the environment.

Proposed by the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament?

Strengthen supervision of the fishery without the ban. The boats are allowed to fish in areas where they have already trawled to avoid the destruction of coral reefs so far spared. States will also map the richest seabed to protect them. The effectiveness of these measures should be evaluated in 5 years. This is for or against the proposal that MEPs will vote on December 9.

Fisheries target mainly red seabream

Fisheries target mainly red seabream, blue ling, grenadier, Emperor, saber. These species are growing slowly, mature late and weak reproduction that make them vulnerable, "on average, these fish live to 36 years old and start breeding at the age of 12 years" outlines Philippe Cury, fisheries scientist at the Institute for Research and Development (IRD).

Drawdowns by fishing so have a quick impact on the population. This impact is discussed. According to Philippe Cury of the 54 species recorded, 21 are dead and 26 are in an unknown state as unrated. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) believes his side that the exploitation of these stocks was led to a "sustainable level" including pomegranate, saber and blue ling, due to the reduction of fishing effort. But not all scientists agree on the lack of knowledge on deep-sea ecosystems.

What damage to the environment?
Deepwater trawling and gillnets cause significant fish kills unintended "these large releases are up 30-50% of the catch," said Bernhard Friess, the Fisheries Department of the European Commission . This mortality of small non-commercial species affect the food chain in proportions that science does not know how to measure.

6 questions about fishing in deep waters

6 questions about fishing in deep waters
Loïc ChauveauBy Loïc Chauveau
See all Articles
Posted on 09-12-2013 at 11:22
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Parliament must vote on Dec. 9 new regulations governing fishing in deep water, a very harmful activity to the environment, but however banned.
A pomegranate, one of those fish that are targeted by fishing in deep water.  KEN GRAHAM / AP / SIPA A pomegranate, one of those fish that are targeted by fishing in deep water. KEN GRAHAM / AP / SIPA

What is the deep sea fishing?
The deep sea fishing takes place in the North Atlantic depths ranging from 400 to 800 meters through deep trawls and gillnets. It is practiced beyond the continental shelf to Spain and France, in the coastal waters for Portugal. It targets species that live along the continental slope and around seamounts. It represents 1.7% of the tonnage of fish caught in the North Atlantic.

What species are involved and why are they vulnerable?
The Directorate of Fisheries has established a list of 54 species ( see here as an appendix to the draft Regulation of the European Commission ) found at great depths. The fish cartilage (rays, sharks) are more likely than bony fish which are however the most popular.

the arrival of a GM fish on our plates

indeed to eliminate any risk of dispersal of these fish in the sea where it can hybridize with wild strains. Although females are sterile principle on the same principle as oysters (they are triploid or carriers three copies of chromosomes instead of two), about 5%, however, could still get to reproduce.

"A concrete and dramatic step toward the arrival of a GM fish on our plates"

The report examines a priori all the scenarios that could see to escape into the environment of modified salmon. Is thus considered "low risk", the fact that Panama is a country hit regularly by cyclones hit by earthquakes. The rearing tanks may yet be destroyed, releasing the animals.

That's what concerned organizations environmental protection as the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network denounces authorization "constituting a concrete and dramatic step toward the arrival of a GM fish on our plates." Furthermore, an environmental group of Panama said the company did not have the necessary permissions to open the farm.

REFUSAL. Export licenses and production door for now on 100,000 eggs per year. This first hurdle passed, AquaBounty should convince states and distributors to allow access to its product to domestic markets. Chains North American supermarket have already ensured they would refuse to sell the fish.

A genetically modified fish, more cold hardy and grows all year

In his expertise , the organization toured the risks associated with this activity for both the environment and to human health and found a "low" risk to both human health and the environment, with an opinion " reasonable certainty. "

A genetically modified fish, more cold hardy and grows all year

The AquAdvantage salmon is a salmon Atlantic (Salmo salar) with which we inserted a transgene comprising a promoter of an antifreeze protein from the ocean pout (Macrozoarces americanus, an eel-like fish that can live in salt water at 0 ° C), and the gene for growth hormone chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).

With improved resistance to cold and characters of growth improved, modified fish grows all year round and not just in the spring as wild salmon. So it reaches market size in 18 months instead of three years for farmed salmon, 4 years for a savage. It is this advantage that allows AquaBounty hope to produce more at lower cost.

RISK HYBRIDISATION. 's production scheme remains very complicated. Eggs are high in Canada and transported by truck and aircraft in Panama, where they are fattened in ponds located in a mountain in the forest site. It is 

The GM salmon closer plates

The GM salmon closer plates
Loïc ChauveauBy Loïc Chauveau
See all Articles
Posted on 29-11-2013 at 4:14 p.m.
Updated 05-12-2013 at 18:28
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The Canadian government has authorized the development of genetically modified salmon to be fattened in Panama. A first step towards commercialization.
In this photo from 2010, two salmon of the same age.  One in the foreground is natural.  The second is a genetically modified fish company AquaBounty.  Anonymous / AP / SIPA In this photo from 2010, two salmon of the same age. One in the foreground is natural. The second is a genetically modified fish company AquaBounty. Anonymous / AP / SIPA

"SALMON GM." public body "and ocean fishing in Canada" has raised the first obstacle to the commercialization of GM salmon by allowing the company AquaBounty to raise eggs in an enclosed hatchery on Prince Edward Island and to export to Panama to fatten. It's Panama that would cut and offered to these markets baptized AquAdvantage fish.

Rosetta has an appointment with his comet

Beyond satisfying the curiosity, such images allow mission teams to better prepare the orbiting probe around 67P / Churuymov-Gerasimenko and also consider the best landing site for its independent module Philae intended to conduct analyzes on the comet itself throughout its journey toward the Sun. It is from these pictures that researchers Astrophysics Laboratory of Marseille develop, on behalf of ESA, modeling of the comet, witnessed the early days of the solar system.

Here is one that was created from images of 14 July, less precise:

Rosetta has an appointment with his comet on August 6. As for the Philae module, it should formally ask the surface thereof 11 November 2014 Both will accompany the comet throughout its journey toward the Sun to study closer to the body that is a privileged witness the formation of the solar system planets.

Also read our article: "Churi" and its dual core will complicate the landing of Philae Module

The face of the target comet Rosetta accurate

The face of the target comet Rosetta accurate
The - Published 28/07/2014 at 16:42
Animation . The European probe is to provide new and more accurate images of the comet "Chury ', should join the August 6th.

Some say she looks like a plastic duck, others a peanut shell. The last images of 67P / Churuymov-Gerasimenko - "Chury" for short - taken by Rosetta on July 20 while the European probe was already more than 5500 kilometers from its target, now make it possible to make a relatively clear idea of the appearance of the comet. Besides the fact that it is composed of two separate cores firmly bonded, there is now the most important seen reliefs on the surface of the body of ice and dust of about 3.5 to 4 km.

The three images below, which show the different angles were performed by Osiris Nac camera sensor, two hours apart, knowing that Chury rotates on itself every 12.4 hours. And if rasterization is more visible than other previously released shots, it's simply because they have not been smoothed to minimize its impact.

The food chain weakened

The food chain weakened

According to the expert, the food chain of dinosaurs already not going well. Steve Brusatte cites lack of biodiversity of herbivorous dinosaurs, undermining the following steps. "The decline has made these ecosystems more vulnerable," says the researcher that a few million more years would have allowed herbivorous dinosaurs to recover his health, allowing the ecosystem to support a massive impact.

The impact with the asteroid destroyed nearly 80% of all living species on Earth at the time. Only flying dinosaurs survived, evolving into the birds we know today.

The study was conducted by an international team of paleontologist in order to better understand how life in the age of dinosaurs evolved millions of years before their extinction. debate among experts in effect for years whether volcanic activity or declining species could play a more important role than previously thought in the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs victims of a "colossal misfortune"

Dinosaurs victims of a "colossal misfortune"
The - Published 28/07/2014 at 21:50
A British study found that dinosaurs could have survived the crash if the asteroid had hit the Earth at a different time.

The survival of dinosaurs was played a few years. A study published in the scientific journal Biological Reviews including relayed by the British newspaper The Guardian reveals that dinosaurs might have survived the asteroid that caused their extinction there 66 million years if he had touched the land a little before or a little later. And ten scientific ensure that dinosaurs were victims of a "colossal bad luck."

Paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh Steve Brusatte explains that "certainly the asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, but it happened while ecosystems dinosaurs had been weakened by a lack of diversity."

After considering the evidence of the extinction of the dinosaurs - the prehistoric climate change sea level, volcanic activity and biodiversity - the expert says that if the asteroid struck the planet millions of years ago or later, when the dinosaurs probably would not have gone. "

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Vitamin A has antioxidant properties

3 Skin
Vitamin A has antioxidant properties that can help fight free radicals. Consuming enough vitamin A can prevent premature aging of the skin. In addition, vitamin A can also protect the skin from dryness and other problems such as wrinkles and acne.

4 Immunity
Vitamin A can help strengthen the mucous membranes of the body, maintaining the vitality of the eyes, intestinal tract, bladder, and respiratory. In addition, this vitamin can also help increase the white blood cells that fight infection.

5. Urinary stones
Vitamin A can also produce calcium phosphate, a mineral compound in the body that is able to prevent the formation of urinary stones.

That is a brief review of some of the benefits of vitamin A for health. By meeting the intake of vitamin A and other nutrients every day, then our health will be maintained. You can meet the requirement of vitamin A by eating foods that are easy to find such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, and so forth.

5 Reasons To Always Meet the Needs of intake of Vitamin A

5 Reasons To Always Meet the Needs of intake of Vitamin A

vitamin A is a type of fat-soluble vitamins. We can meet the needs of this vitamin in a number of foods. There are two types of vitamin A, the retinoids and beta-carotene. Retinoids can be found in dairy products, poultry, fish, and meat. While beta-carotene is found in many vegetables and fruits.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one important vitamin that offers a variety of benefits for health. Therefore, you are advised to always ensure adequate intake of vitamin A by eating foods that contain lots of nutrients. There are several reasons why you are advised not to miss the daily intake of vitamin A, which are:

1 Eyes
Vitamin A is able to take care of your vision. Vitamin A can help the eye distinguish between dark and light so that your vision at night can be increased. Not only that, vitamin A also may help fight cataracts and glaucoma.

2 bones and teeth 
If converted into retinoic acid, vitamin A can help maintain healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin A is needed in the formation of a layer of hard dentin that forms on the teeth. In addition, vitamin A can also help replace old tissue or that has been worn, so that bone health is maintained. 

association between heart failure or death

Analyzing data from a 12-year study period, the researchers found that 2,891 men are known to have heart failure and 266 died of it. Those who ate the most red meat processed (more than 75 grams per day) were 28% more likely to develop heart failure than those who eat little red meat processed (less than 25 grams per day).

The researchers calculate that for each increase in consumption of 50 grams of processed meat, the risk of the occurrence of heart failure increased by 8% and the risk of death from heart failure increased by 38%. However, this study did not observe any association between heart failure or death and those who eat non-processed red meat.

The researchers say that their findings are in line with the results of the study 'Health Physicians', in which people who ate the most red meat had a 24% higher risk for heart failure than men who ate the least red meat. They also hope to find the same relation to the research that is being done today in women.

Based on these findings, the study's lead author, Joanna Kaluza, PhD, giving dietary advice follows:

"To reduce the risk of heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases, we recommend to avoid processed red meat in the daily diet and limit the amount of red meat consumption of non-processed for one or two servings per week. Instead, consume foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, nuts, and fish. "

Often Eating Processed Red Meat Can Trigger Heart Failure

Often Eating Processed Red Meat Can Trigger Heart Failure

Often eating processed red meat may increase the risk of fatal heart failure in men, a new study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Heart Failure. Almost at least 6 million Americans have heart failure and half of those at risk of death within 5 years after diagnosis.

The Importance of Limiting Processed Red Meat Consumption

red meat olahanUntuk maintain heart health, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, poultry, fish, and nuts. They are also advised to eat fish rich in omega-3 such as salmon, trout, and herring at least three times a week.

The AHA recommends that people should eat more chicken, fish, and nuts instead of red meat. "It's okay to eat red meat as long as you limit the numbers", so their recommendations. However, people are advised to choose lean meats and limit intake of less than 6 ounces per day.

The study, conducted by researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, is the first to examine separately the effects of red meat that has been processed or unprocessed. The study recorded the details of food intake and other lifestyle factors, and involving as many as 37 035 men aged 45-79 years with no history of heart failure, ischemic heart disease, or cancer ranging from 1998 to 2010.