Thursday, August 14, 2014

Visit the Max Tegmark multiverse: parallel universes Everett

We conclude our exploration of the multiverse Max Tegmark with the last part of the interview he gave to Futura-Sciences on the occasion of the release in France of his book Our mathematical universe in search of the ultimate nature of reality .

For those who want to refresh their memory before discovering the following responses from Max Tegmark questions that we asked him, please refer to sections that served as the introduction to this interview.

Visit the Max Tegmark multiverse: parallel universes Everett
Max Tegmark, multiverse explorer "do not hesitate to think big"

In 1977 a famous video called The Powers of 10 put in perspective the infinitely large and the infinitely small. A new more dramatic version was made ​​in 1997 and used to get a better idea of the universe in which we live, is staggering when one realizes that he can be himself again part of the multiverse larger and strange. © AureliusQ, YouTube

Futura-Sciences:  In an infinite multiverse Level I, there must be somewhere in space beyond our cosmic horizon additional copies of our observable universe with a copy of the Earth , but on which the story s 'held in slightly different ways. In fact, we should even be able to find an infinite number of planets like Earth with all possible variations of the events that may have occurred in the history of our planet. This led you to ask yourself, with Anthony Aguirre, if it was not possible to identify the multiverse Level I with Level III multiverse. You published an article on arxiv in 2010 closer look at this assumption. Raphael Bousso and Leonard Susskind have followed you not a year later.

Max Tegmark, a cosmologist, "we are probably alone in the universe"

Max Tegmark, a cosmologist, "we are probably alone in the universe"

This last part of our interview with Max Tegmark remains devoted to the multiverse, but it is also about the relationship between quantum mechanics and consciousness, and the dangers and hopes, arising from the creation of artificial intelligence, such with quantum computers. In an attempt to avert these dangers, cosmologist created the Future of Life Institute (FLI) counts as famous as Stephen Hawking and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek personalities.

On 08/06/2014 at 17:30 - By Laurent Sacco, Futura-Sciences

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Composite of Hubble ultra-deep field photographed between 2003 and 2012 in three ranges of radiation image, the near infrared, visible and ultraviolet. This is the most colorful galactic panorama made ​​by the space telescope. About 10,000 galaxies are scattered in this small sample of the southern sky, which is virtually devoid of stars in our Milky Way galaxy in the foreground. It is only a tiny part of the universe. © NASA, ESA, H. Teplitz and Mr. Rafelski (IPAC / Caltech), A. Koekemoer (STScI), R. Windhorst ( Arizona State University ) and Z. Levay (STScI)
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Mission was: to prepare landing

Mission was: to prepare landing

This landing will take place in October and will be a first. In 2005, the spacecraft Deep Impact had dropped an impactor on the comet 9P / Tempel-1 and in the same year, Hayabusa , the Japanese space agency, tried landing on the asteroid Itokawa, with mixed success, both the maneuver is difficult.

To file Philae, Rosetta will skim Chury less than 5 km. A dangerous skimming as a comet "degassed" heated by solar radiation, the surface ejects water vapor, ice chips and dust. This activity should be accurately estimated by engineers at ESA before diving Philae.

Another image taken by the instrument & nbsp; Osiris, showing a relatively smooth area bordered in steep.  Rosetta was then 130 km of the comet.  The resolution is 2.4 m per pixel. & Nbsp; © ESA / Rosetta / MPS for Osiris Team / UPD / LAM / IAA / SSO / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA

The module will then 100kg avoid another risk: bounce into space, never to return if the impact on the body to the very low gravity is too strong. Philae will rely on its claws completing the end of its three legs to hang. The Rosetta mission will then take a new turn, more scientific than technical: it is the history of our solar system that astronomers hope to read in comets in general and in particular ... Chury

But this is another story that we will tell you in due time. For now, experts scrutinize the raw images. First informed comments tomorrow. Check back Futura-Sciences, there will be new!

Rosetta will approach the comet slowly

Rosetta will approach the comet slowly

The best way to measure the field of gravity around the comet ... is to get close. Acceleration and deceleration suffered betray the force of gravitation . The expected trajectory in the coming weeks is an original series of triangles, smaller and smaller and more and more close to the star. The maneuver will be the opposite side of the comet's tail to prevent the machine to receive a shower of dust and ice.

Then, once the known gravity, the "pilot" of the ESA Rosetta inject on a path that will make him go ellipses around Chury. The operation will start in September. They hope to approach the craft first and then 30 km to about 10 km and less. It was at this point that will begin the perilous mission of small Philae lander that will detach from the probe to go land on the comet.

A closer view of the comet obtained with the instrument Osiris 6 August 2014 showing the junction between the two sides of the star.  The resolution is & nbsp; 2.2 m per pixel.  © ESA / Rosetta / MPS for Osiris Team / UPD / LAM / IAA / SSO / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA

Rosetta will follow the trajectory

This is what has been achieved today, under the eye technicians gathered in central control of ESA in Darmstadt, Germany, while the European Space Agency begins broadcasting close-up images of the comet . This success is however only the beginning of another phase of the mission, where all specialists will be on deck to put Rosetta on an orbit around the comet elliptical, time to get close enough. This approach is already difficult. Even if a 3D reconstruction of the comet was made, its mass is not known precisely and engineers at ESA can not know how fast an orbit, even ephemeral, can be obtained.

Rosetta will follow the trajectory around the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The first triangles, increasingly small, used to accurately measure the gravitational field around this small body mass insufficiently known. Adjustments, so updates on the motor will be needed to hold the probe in an elliptical orbit in September, approaching 30 km or less than 10 km if the vent is not too bothersome. It was at this point that Philae will fall off and land. Note: the position of the solar panels that throughout this dance must remain properly oriented with respect to the Sun. © CNES

Image: Rosetta passed his appointment with "his" comet

Image: Rosetta passed his appointment with "his" comet

After a run of ten years, 6.5 billion miles and visit two asteroids, Steins and Lutetia, the valiant European Rosetta has successfully completed its approach to comet 67P / the comet 67P alias / CG, or Chury. The first pictures, about 100 km, show a very irregular object, riddled with curious craters.

On 08/06/2014 15:31 - By Jean-Luc Goudet, Futura-Sciences

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Reached about 100 km, Rosetta took this picture August 6, 2014 of Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It shows a tormented body, riddled with craters sometimes honeycomb. The surface, very irregular, is shaped by soft evictions produced by the heating due to the Sun. Since this morning, many experts are trying to decipher this landscape. The probe must remain close to the body for months and get close enough to drop Philae lander 100 kg. © ESA / Rosetta / MPS for Osiris Team / UPD / LAM / IAA / SSO / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA
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It's done! The probe Rosetta has not missed his third and final appointment with a star wandering the Solar System . Launched in 2004, the spacecraft of ESA has grazed the asteroid in 2008 to 800 km and in 2010, was approached Lutetia , 3,000 km, making 400 shots. The European probe lasting place in the long saga of the comet hunting we were telling you yesterday. This time it is the last target but the most complex. Rosetta had to slow to gradually approach the comet / 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko (call Chury), much like a fighter jet intercepts a suspect device. The relative velocity would fall to about 1 m / s (3.6 km / h).

Allergy in adults

Bisphenol A is found in cans, tin cans and a host of other food containers. Sometimes it can be mixed with food and be ingested. Once in the body, it mimics the effects of estrogen, which deregulates the sex hormone levels in men and promotes the development of breast cancer in women. Among others. © Retska,

Allergy in adults

Both groups were then fed ovalbumin. Result: an adult, or 45 days after gestation, the protein contained in egg white triggered inflammation of the colon only in exposed animals, demonstrating a food intolerance.

These results support the recent decisions taken by the French authorities. Which divided by 10 the value of toxicological threshold compared to that in effect prior to 2013 the use of BPA in food containers for infants was banned last year. And endocrine disruptor should also disappear from the composition of all food packaging from 2015.

Bisphenol A is responsible for food intolerances

Bisphenol A is responsible for food intolerances

The observation of rats exposed to bisphenol A (BPA) in utero showed a risk of food reactions in the fetus and infant. Pioneer in this field, this study was conducted by researchers at INRA Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées. Which reminder to ban BPA in plastics next generation.

On 08/06/2014 at 13:36 - By Destination Santé

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Known for its deleterious effects on the immune system of humans, bisphenol A would also cause food allergies.  © Phovoir

A total of 10 French 2 are affected by an intolerance or allergy food. Triggered in part under the influence of the environment, they are also favored by everyday exposure to disruptive endocrine . A team of researchers at INRA Toulouse Midi Pyrénées (food Toxicological Toxalim Unit) has indeed prove that perinatal exposure to BPA increases the risk of food intolerance in adulthood. "Even at very low doses This endocrine disruptor contained in plastic is toxic, especially among vulnerable bodies of fetuses and infants, " the authors explain.

To demonstrate this, the researchers compared the immunity and food safety of two cohorts of rats in gestation . The first group received a daily oral dose of BPA, 5 mg / kg body weight from gestation through weaning of newborns to 21 days. The rats of the second group were not exposed to BPA.

Virtual dives with Google Maps

Virtual dives with Google Maps

In partnership with Google , members of the Catlin Seaview Survey are currently conducting a Google Street View of coral reefs that can dive into the world of silence Cousteau as never before. Many virtual dives can already be realized with Google Maps and great videos can be found on YouTube. In some of them, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and marine biologist Richard Fitzpatrick tell us simply and very specifically what are the coral reefs and make us get to know some of their inhabitants.

This video was also taken during a campaign on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It was conducted with a GoPro camera. © Catlin Seaview Survey, YouTube

During their working members Catlin Seaview Survey also sometimes encounter animals such as whale sharks, giant stingrays and of course the dolphins. This allowed them to achieve the two extraordinary videos above in the Great Barrier Reef in 2012, on the occasion of the first observation campaign Catlin Seaview Survey . Nostalgic for Big Blue by Luc Besson and adventures of the Calypso can not be seduced.

Follow the adventures of Catlin Seaview Survey on Google+ , Twitter and Facebook.

Video: diving with the dolphins through the Catlin Seaview Survey

Video: diving with the dolphins through the Catlin Seaview Survey

Jacques Mayol and Jacques-Yves Cousteau made us dream but nothing can replace a real dive in the Big Blue. When one is lacking and it is not possible to escape the Red Sea or the Coral Triangle, we can get some fresh air with a virtual dive thanks to members of the Catlin Seaview Survey. One can even get to the heart of a group of dolphins ...

On 08/06/2014 at 11:24 - By Laurent Sacco, Futura-Sciences

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One member of the Catlin Seaview Survey with SVII, the camera shooting specially designed for the realization of 3D panoramas of the Google Street View of the sea.  © Catlin Seaview Survey, Underwater Earth

As explained one of the largest coral specialists, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, the future of hundreds of millions of people are threatened in the short term if nothing is done to preserve coral reefs . For this, two actions are being carried out by members of the Catlin Seaview Survey . The first is the creation of a huge database consisting largely of images taken around the world and that will serve as benchmarks to monitor coral reefs in response to climate change and the human. activity The second is the use of these images to sensitize the general public to encourage governments to take the decisions necessary for the protection of World Heritage submarine posed by these reefs.

These beautiful images were taken in 2012 at Myrmidon Reef, one of the reefs of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. © Catlin Seaview Survey , YouTube

Saturday, August 2, 2014

LOOK kangaroos move the study:

According to their results recently published in the journal Royal Society Biology Letters , red kangaroos, when traveling at low speed, especially for their food (that is to say, most of the time), still retain not two but three ground support. To walk, they pose as alternately their front paws and tails and their two hind legs and tail. And in both cases, that is the tail end which provides the main pulse, so that the front legs, they do serve as support virtually.

LOOK kangaroos move the study:

"Kangaroos use their tails for support, propel and fuel their movement. Actually, they perform more mechanical work with it than we do with our legs," said Maxwell Donelan, University of Colorado Boulder ( United States ), one of the authors of the study. "Their tail has over twenty vertebrae that act as our feet, our calves and our thighs," he adds. Something to inspire the engineers who try to mimic nature to create ever more powerful robots. But the most extraordinary in all this, it may be that before their tail function takes fifth leg to current kangaroos scientists believe that the tail of their ancestors was prehensile and allowed them to cling to trees , as a third hand! Fascinating are the paths of evolution ...

It's official, kangaroos have 5 legs!

It's official, kangaroos have 5 legs!
The - Published 07/09/2014 at 07:12
VIDEO. A team of biologists has discovered that the tail marsupial mascot Australia played a major role in locomotion. Explanations.

Kangaroos use their tails as a fifth leg, just as a crutch.
Kangaroos use their tails as a fifth leg, just as a crutch. © CHRISTIAN PUYGRENIER / puy / AFP
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In your opinion, how a kangaroo he paws? Four, what a question! Well, not so sure ... A team of American, Canadian and Australian researchers has just realizing that he has technically five. Two long hind legs, two short front legs and a tail that they use as a leg, sometimes to rest, sometimes for propulsion. For years, scientists have noted that these animals used their strong tail as a crutch during their slow steps and as balance when their bonds. But the role of this body in the locomotion of marsupial emblem of Australia , was still largely underestimated. It is by walk five red kangaroos, the most impressive Australian species on treadmills with sensors that biologists have made ​​the astonishing discovery.

Mount Fuji, a volcano under pressure

Mount Fuji, a volcano under pressure
The - Published 07/07/2014 at 15:46
After the earthquake off the coast of Fukushima, a Franco-Japanese study estimated that the mountain emblem of Japan, is in critical condition.

The last eruption of Mount Fuji goes back to 1707.
The last eruption of Mount Fuji goes back to 1707. © Kotaro Yokoyama / The Yomiuri Shimbun

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The bowels of Mount Fuji, located south-west of Tokyo, were largely under pressure during the earthquake off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011 This is what reveals a Franco-Japanese study published Friday in the journal Science and relayed in the columns of the World . "Our work does not say that the volcano will erupt. But they show that he is in critical condition," said Florent Brenguier, study co-author and researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences, was quoted as saying in the evening.

Last eruption in 1707

Deductions scientists come from a thorough analysis of data collected by 800 seismic sensors of the country, the densest network in the world. As a result, the waves propagated in the magnitude 9 earthquake damaged the Earth's crust in the volcanic regions of Japan , in particular that of Mount Fuji, yet located 500 km from the epicenter.

Mount Fuji, always closely monitored by the scientific community, "is now in a state of pressure as it has potential for significant eruption. Risk is clearly increased," said the scientist. The last eruption of magnitude since the early eighteenthcentury, when the country was much less populated. The only Tokyo megalopolis now has 34 million inhabitants.

Two "Earth-like" exoplanets are mirages

Two "Earth-like" exoplanets are mirages
The - Published 04/07/2014 13:03 - Amended 04/07/2014 at 1:38 p.m.
Researchers estimate that Gliese 581 d and Gliese 581 g, it was thought of living space, are mere illusions created by the activity of a star.

Around the star Gliese 581, there would be no planet potentially habitable finally.
Around the star Gliese 581, there would be no planet potentially habitable finally. © NOTIMEX
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Two exoplanets, astronomers believed that some potentially habitable, were nothing more than illusions created by the activity of a star, American researchers revealed Thursday. Gliese 581 d and Gliese 581 g, which, according to calculations by astronomers, would have found twenty-two light years (one light year equals 9,460 billion kilometers) from Earth in the "Goldilocks zone" (earrings gold), that is to say in a zone close enough and far enough so that their star water can exist there. And which, moreover, the temperature and the atmosphere have been conducive to the occurrence of life and to its evolution. At the time of the announcement of his "discovery" in 2010, Gliese g, had even been described as the exoplanet "more comparable" to the Earth that has been detected so far.

Too far away from our planet to be observed with the naked eye or through a telescope, the two exoplanets have been detected around the star Gliese 581 by examining the spectrum of the latter. Now astronomers from the Pennsylvania State University believe that Gliese 581 d and Gliese 581 g were not planets, but the signals sent by the star. "According to our research, the two planets which everyone speaks unfortunately not exist," said Suvrath Mahadevan, co-author of the study published in the journal Science . "What was initially seen as the signals sent by the planets was actually caused by stellar activity," he said. In other words, the magnetic fields of sunspots or could have disrupted the reading signals made ​​by astronomers. Scientists had "discovered" six exoplanets around Gliese 581, but by spreading the existence of Gliese g and - and that of a third, Gliese f - there are only about three, none of which are finally habitable.

Visit our dossier: The hunt for exoplanets exceptional

The miracle of oxygen in prehistoric ages

The miracle of oxygen?

So how and why this abundance of life, then nothing complex for 1.5 billion years? For researchers, the key to the mystery may lie in the concentration of atmospheric oxygen. Because complex organizations biota Gabonese appeared a few hundred million years after a major glaciation followed by a rise in the level of oxygen in the atmosphere. According to
665 million years - a very similar to that which preceded the appearance of the now second oldest fossils of complex organisms, found in Australia (Ediacaran) and dated approximately scenario.

"The lessivation continents oxidizing atmosphere releasing large amounts of nutrients," said El Albani. The disturbing coincidence should revive the scientific debate on the impact of oxygen on living organisms. Especially if there is no trace of complex organism between the two periods, this also corresponds to a sudden drop in oxygen concentration to - 2 billion years. This should give food for thought to exobiologistes seeking to better understand the origin of life on Earth to find life elsewhere in the universe . As in the famous clay from the base of Mount Sharp where Curiosity hopes to find valuable molecules organic ..

A true ecosystem in prehistoric ages

A true ecosystem

"There you have microscopic organisms in the order of tens of microns and macroscopic organisms ranging in size between 1 and 17 centimeters. Flyers, elongated, lobed, compartmentalized, their shapes are also very varied. So much so that we have already identified at least eight different types, "says El Albani, fresh off of Gabon with more than four hundred
precious fossils in his luggage. It must be said that researchers in his team were able to get a pretty good idea of ​​what they were dealing with. Simply because at Franceville they not only have the imprint fossil but also against their impression.

Clearly, through the activity of bacteria, organisms themselves have been turned to stone here (pyritization) and allows to study not only their external appearance but also their internal structure, as it scans a brain scanner . "We can, for example, that these bodies were médusaire kind," the geologist. That is to say, it was not a matter of jellyfish but they were like them soft and gelatinous. "Flexible folds is clearly noted," he says. And thanks to the study of rocks, scientists are able to say that these organizations composed there long, long time a marine ecosystem shallow (30 to 40 meters).

Origin of life on earth: biodiversity was already there 2.1 billion years!

Origin of life on earth: biodiversity was already there 2.1 billion years!
The - Published 04/07/2014 at 06:24 - Amended 04/07/2014 at 07:43
Fossils discovered in Gabon testify to the existence of the oldest ecosystem, composed of complex organisms not listed.

These fossils of multicellular organisms discovered in Gabon, are older than 2.1 billion years.
These fossils of multicellular organisms discovered in Gabon, are older than 2.1 billion years. © El Albani / CNRS / PLoS One


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The announcement of the discovery, in July 2010, in the prestigious journal Nature had already caused a stir. Fossils of macroscopic organisms, multicellular old 2.1 billion years, while one
was far back the appearance of complex living just 600 million years (Ediacaran fossils from the site Australia ), it was hard. A little too much even for some who were skeptical, especially since we had never listed similar that existed during the long period - 1.5 billion years - between the two dates.

Four years later, it is yet more doubtful. The international team of researchers led by geologist El Albani (University of Poitiers / CNRS), consisting of fifty scientists and several sizes, just to confirm and clarify, in the journal Plos One , the exact nature the exceptional discovery. And not only is relatively complex multicellular organisms, but in addition, the Gabon fossils, unearthed in clays Bay Franceville - an area quite exceptional for finding primitive life as tectonic plates did not remodeled - testify to the existence of a genuine biodiversity.

a virus 97% similar to the Spanish flu

This is not the first time that his work is criticized, even condemned by some scholars. In June, he was able to reconstruct a virus 97% similar to the Spanish flu that killed between 50 and 100 million people in 1918 and 1919.

Anticipate risks

However, the objective of these studies was approved by the Biosafety Committee of Wisconsin. And because Yoshihiro Kawaoka attempts to identify possible natural mutations of the virus that would then him to evade the immune system.

Moreover, to John Oxford, professor of virology interviewed by the Guardian , such mutant strains do exist. "Probably in a duck in Siberia, fortunately for us, but if by chance they got closer, we would be in danger." That is why the Japanese would anticipate these risks by making stronger vaccines.

But the problem lies in the handling of these dangerous viruses in the laboratory. "When the result is a potential pandemic, even a small risk should be strongly considered," says epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch American. He and other researchers from Harvard and Yale, taking ten laboratories conducting such experiments for ten years, the probability of being infected is 20%. Accidents that echo the events of April 2014, when the Institut Pasteur has lost 3,000 tubes containing the SARS virus, a dangerous respiratory illness.

A scientist makes a deadly virus

A scientist makes a deadly virus
The - Published 07/02/2014 to 10:59 p.m. - Amended 07/03/2014 at 07:29
Yoshihiro Kawaoka Japanese researcher has to recreate a particularly virulent virus that has killed nearly "500 000".

Photo illustration.
Photo illustration. © APA / Science Photo Library

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It is information recounted this morning by the British newspaper, The Independent . Yoshihiro Kawaoka Japanese researcher in virology at the University of Wisconsin, USA , has to reconstitute a mutant version of the H1N1 virus, also called swine flu, which had caused 200 000 deaths in 2009 and nearly 500,000 in total . Derived from the bird and pig virus kills almost today because our immune system is able to defend itself against him. The mutant version of the H1N1, created by the scientist, would in turn be able to escape the antibodies normally used to neutralize the virus and thus resist the existing vaccine.

A crazy and dangerous experiment? "He used a flu virus that is known to be transmissible to humans, and handled in a way that would leave the world population defenseless if he escaped from the laboratory ", warns a scientist.

"Sinks" of carbon terrestrial poorly understood

OCO-2 will become the main observatory of a fleet of five other international satellites that orbit the Earth every 99 minutes to perform a set of near-simultaneous observations. The satellite will measure samples of CO2 sources and sinks across the globe to enable scientists to better study the changes in climate.

"Sinks" of carbon terrestrial poorly understood

In April, the monthly concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere exceeded 400 parts per million (ppm) in the northern hemisphere, its highest level in at least 800,000 years, reports NASA. Burning fossil fuels (hydrocarbons, natural gas and coal) and other human activities emit nearly 40 billion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, producing unprecedented accumulation of the greenhouse gas emissions. Climate scientists have concluded that the increase in CO2 emissions from human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, had changed the balance of the natural carbon cycle of the Earth, causing a rise in temperatures and a change of Earth's climate.

Currently, less than half of the CO2 emitted by human activities stays in the atmosphere, according to climatologists. Some of the rest is absorbed by the oceans, but the terrestrial carbon sinks have not all been located and are poorly understood, they explain. "Scientists do not know exactly where and how the oceans and vegetation absorb more than half of the CO2 produced by human activities and emitted into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial age," said David Crisp, the head OCO-2 scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. "Because of this, we can not accurately predict how these processes affect the future climate change. For society to better manage the levels of CO2 in our atmosphere, we must be able to measure the natural sources of carbon and how work the natural carbon sinks, "he has said. Measurements of CO2 levels made by OCO-2 will be combined with data obtained from ground observation stations, aircraft and other satellites.