Monday, July 28, 2014

Fisheries target mainly red seabream

Fisheries target mainly red seabream, blue ling, grenadier, Emperor, saber. These species are growing slowly, mature late and weak reproduction that make them vulnerable, "on average, these fish live to 36 years old and start breeding at the age of 12 years" outlines Philippe Cury, fisheries scientist at the Institute for Research and Development (IRD).

Drawdowns by fishing so have a quick impact on the population. This impact is discussed. According to Philippe Cury of the 54 species recorded, 21 are dead and 26 are in an unknown state as unrated. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) believes his side that the exploitation of these stocks was led to a "sustainable level" including pomegranate, saber and blue ling, due to the reduction of fishing effort. But not all scientists agree on the lack of knowledge on deep-sea ecosystems.

What damage to the environment?
Deepwater trawling and gillnets cause significant fish kills unintended "these large releases are up 30-50% of the catch," said Bernhard Friess, the Fisheries Department of the European Commission . This mortality of small non-commercial species affect the food chain in proportions that science does not know how to measure.

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